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The Copenhagen Complementarity - Again

Posted on Saturday, November 28, 2009 at 08:08AM by Registered CommenterDoug | Comments1 Comment

A huge scientific/political scandal has come to light, with the leaking of the University of East Anglia’s depository of documents and correspondence.  The documents show criminal malfeasance on the part of UN global warming scientists, who shamelessly manipulated their data and coldly exerted their political influence on the scientific community, in order to perpetrate a climate change hoax upon the world.

The stunning revelations come just as the global elite are about to convene a meeting of scientists and global leaders in Copenhagen, Denmark, to establish the official world response to the cooked-up crisis, a fundamentally transforming remedy to be financed by an unprecedented system of regressive taxation levied upon the world, but especially upon the United States and United Kingdom populations.

It’s a scary thought, but most of the world is unaware of what is happening and its long-term consequences, a situation that parallels another famous meeting of scientists at Copenhagen in the early 20th Century.

Although the latter meeting was not held in the shadow and context of white-collar crimes and scientific fraud, the imposition of a scientifically controversial point of view upon the world with lasting and transforming effects upon society was the same. The world would never be the same after the scientific interpretation of quantum mechanics was formed in Copenhagen.

The prospective irony is rich, but, hopefully, the current Copenhagen agenda will be derailed by the new revelations in time to prevent the incalculable social damage that is looming before us. Unfortunately, in the case of the last “Copenhagen interpretation” of reality, there were no last-minute discoveries to prevent the transformation of thought that would eventually lead to the trouble with physics that we find ourselves in today.

Nevertheless, it’s useful to look back to see if time has given us the necessary perspective to discern the mistakes that were made. Unlike the concocted global warming “crisis,” the “quantum” crisis was real. It was what the ancient Greeks might have called the “all is number” crisis. Their worldview that “all is number” was crushed by discovery of the fact that the square root of 2 is not a number. It was eventually replaced by the worldview that, except in the limit, there is no way to definitively describe segments of a continuous magnitude with a number. However, once again nature had a surprise in store for investigators. Even though the square root of 2 exists only as a ratio, not as a number, nature’s fundamental unit of energy is a number!

I certainly wouldn’t want to invite comparisons of Al Gore to Niels Bohr, but they each are identified as the leaders of their respective movements. In Bohr’s case, the cause, which he championed from Copenhagen, was something called “complementarity,” the idea that nature has a dual face. On one side, her constituents behave as continuous waves; On the other, they behave as discrete numbers. We can only observe one side, or the other, never both sides together, yet the reality is, insisted Bohr, they exist as both simultaneously, just as a coin has two faces.

In Gore’s case, it’s much the same, except he’s trying to convince us that the global elite are NOT two-faced, that they have only one, benevolent face, that there is no evil complement to the one face presented to the world, the face promising to save the world. However, the new discoveries unveil the hard-to-believe reality of yet another version of the Copenhagen principle of complementarity.

While the new discoveries at East Anglia show the evil face of Gore’s two-faced movement, you wouldn’t know it from the mainstream media reports, whose elite corporate owners obviously have a vested interest in it. Likewise, you won’t hear much from the mainstream physics community on the new discoveries that reveal how to escape the trouble with physics that the Copenhagen interpretation, that all is not number, has foisted upon the world. What it boils down to in the end is this: Everyone must think through things for themselves. We cannot let the uncritical views, repeated over and over again by authority figures, define our worldview.

Reality may, or may not, have two faces. I, for one, think it does, but the crucial evidence to help us decide the truth behind the interpretations of these movements is to be found in their failures, not their successes. The failure of the green movement is a moral issue, not a scientific one. The failure of the theoretical physics movement is a mathematical one, not a moral one. However, when it comes to funding their causes, neither community is beyond attempting to bury the inconvenient truths.

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Reader Comments (1)

The square root of 2 cannot be represented as a ratio; it is an irrational number.

November 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJFang

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